►And I thought I knew his music…

I always thought I knew the music of Sting reasonably well, not as well as in the case of a dedicated fan, but fair enough.

You know, all those classics of his? Every Breath You Take, Roxanne, Message in a Bottle, Don’t Stand so Close to Me, Englishman in New York, etc? Have heard them many times and like them quite a lot.

But today I found out I didn’t know it well enough. When I finished a home assignment for ear training or whatever you’d like to call it. I had to write down the notes of a song of his that I never heard before but that’s absolutely fantastic:

Moon over Bourbon Street

It’s about a werewolf, more precisely inspired in the book of Anne Rice “The vampire Lestat”. It’s very mysterious, sad, dark and the composition and musical arrangement is absolutely brilliant, hear by yourself:

Lyrics here.


►Collecting material for a new song

Some time ago I had the inspiration for the next song, and have since then been collecting some ideas and material.
One of these things are little voice snippets I’ve been recording or asking people to record, of always the same words, trying to get the most variated voices and some different accents, too.

Those words are “Keep calm and carry on”, a sentence written on a famous poster of the british government from 1939. You can read the whole story here.
Although those words definitely were said in a little ironic way at the time, I think they aren’t that wrong at all, it only depends on the context, sometimes it really is the best thing you can do, othertimes obviously not.

But as I like this kind of polemic material and one day happened to see the poster:

Poster Keep calm and carry on

printed in a magazine my dad was reading, I thought: “that’s it!” and decided to use that as inspiration for my next song.
I don’t want to tell you any more details so not to spoil the surprise, but one thing I can add: it’s going to be very much on the electronic side of music, quite different from the other songs I produced until now.
And I’d also like to launch a little invitation: If you’d like to contribute, you can send me your own recording of those 5 words, quality isn’t important, I actually like the idea of some of the takes having different sound qualities or even background noises.
The only important part is that the sentence has to be said in a natural, almost neutral way.
Send your take in mp3 format to this email adress:

joydivision “at” sapo “dot” pt

(substitute “at” with @ and “dot” with . and remove the spaces; this is against spammers)

The name of people contributing with their voices to this project will naturally appear in the credits. So, stay tuned to updates, and don’t forget to subscribe to this blog if you haven’t yet 🙂