►The Squirrel got himself a Blog!


Well, decided to get myself a Blog, so I can more easily share my thoughts, insights and ideias about music, my life and my work, but also news about my project – Jammin Squirrel Productions.

Some odd days you might even encounter totally non-related topics, possibly some funny experiences, rants about society, technology news (mostly music related but not only), perhaps some photos, interesting links, or maybe even some useless yadda-yadda (though I promise to keep that at absolute minimum levels)…

So I invite you to become my follower, by subscribing to this blog (you find a little form in the left sidebar enabling you to receive updates by email or subscribe to the RSS feed or by Google Friend Connect).

Btw, I’m thinking about creating a Links section, too, so if you’re part of the Blogosphere, writing about anything related to music and are interested in link exchange, let me know by commenting here and following my blog, I’ll make sure to follow back and add your link as soon as I open this section (will be in left sidebar).

2 thoughts on “►The Squirrel got himself a Blog!

  1. Bem, eu vou sem dúvida divulgar o teu blog no meu, e colocar um link lá. Espero da tua parte a mesma coisa 😉 Bem-vindo ao maravilhoso mundo dos blogs!

    • Thanks 🙂
      Claro que sim, será o primeiro link a publicar, é só tratar de “instalar” a secção dos links lol (isto do wordpress é tipo LEGO ehehe :P)…

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