►A very strategical method for practicing new music

Today, I’d like to share with my readers a text written by american classical guitarist and music teacher Louis Gehring in which he describes very precisely an interesting alternative approach to learning new repertoire on your instrument (a method focused on a phrase-to-phrase-approach as opposed to the more common “step-by-step-improvement on the whole piece”). Don’t get me wrong: all good musicians will learn a new piece dividing it into as small and as much phrases as necessary to musically understand and technically master all of them so to eventually be able to play the whole piece without sectioning. But what normally happens is, that you get to learn all of these phrases more or less at the same pace, some difficult ones might take longer, but anyway, when you’re at the point starting to practice performance, for example, you normally have all phrases more or less perfect. And here is where this method is different, come and read on (in the beginning of the text you probably won’t see anything new, but still is very well written. Step 3 is where it gets interesting.):

Divide the piece first into main sections, and then subdivide these sections into phrases. The phrase is the basic musical and expressive unit of any piece, and therefore should also be used as the basic learning unit.
Mark all of the fingerings for both hands. Since left hand fingering is included in most editions (but should, nonetheless, be carefully examined for possible improvements), this will entail more work on right hand fingering. Careful consideration should be given to finding the easiest possible fingering with the best musical effect. It is important to practice a given passage with the same fingering each time in order to learn more quickly and to produce an accurate, consistent performance.
Begin practice, starting with the first phrase only, carefully avoiding any mistakes. Study should begin by using the metronome set at approximately one half the future performance tempo (this initial speed will depend greatly on the difficulty of the composition). When playing at this speed is mastered with appropriate dynamics, articulations, and timbre, the metronome should be moved up one notch. After this speed is mastered, then one more notch, etc.
When the player has achieved three fourths of the performance tempo, he should go on to the next phrase in the same manner, and so on. After a section has been learned with this method, the whole section should be practiced with three metronome speeds: slow, medium, and fast (the performance tempo). This is the way the section will be studied from now on in order to maintain and perfect it.
Using the above method, memorization can quickly take place, again using this phrase by phrase approach.
After the entire work has been learned thoroughly and memorized, phrases should be practised out of the context of the piece (this is especially useful for compositions that do not lend themselves to easy division into phrases, e.g., fugal writing). Practice the last phrase of the piece (or of a major section) by memory, then the next to the last, and so on, moving from the end forward. Practice similar phrases together so that there will be no confusion under the pressure of public performance.
Practice without looking at the fingerboard.
Study away from the instrument by mentally recalling all movements of the hands (left hand positions, bar chords, fingerings; and right hand strokes, fingerings, string changes).

►The Alternative Music Lounge: John Surman

Sometimes, it just strikes you: how come I’ve never heard anything at all about this great musician until now? Have I been living hiding somewhere on a deserted musical island or what? But then again, I don’t consider myself that ignorant, I mean, I know quite a few musicians, bands and composers from lots of different genres, even way back in musical history. And still, if it wasn’t for my mom suggesting me to have a listen, I might as well never have discovered the music of John Surman.

So, let’s talk a little more about this John Surman. He actually is from the same generation as my mother (little coincidence hehe), so has been a musician for a long time and achieved great things, another reason I’m so “upset” about not having heard of him before. I mean, how is it possible, some south korean girls band launches a video that you can’t even listen to until the end for being so impossibly bad (this didn’t even happen to me with Lady Gaga, so go figure…), but it has 16 million views in a week and everyone talks about it. And who talks about real great musicians like John Surman? Anyway, back to focus: he especially plays saxophone and bass clarinet and has been playing in lots of different projects with many other great musicians (just to name a few: Dave Holland, Richard Galliano, John McLaughlin, John Taylor, Jack DeJohnette) and although his main genre is located somewhere between Jazz and Ambient / Fusion, he does not limit himself to this, his compositions and performances cover a large spectrum of inspiration, from English folk music, Choral and church music to songs of John Dowland. He also has written music for quite a few movies and dance performances.

But well, if you want to know more about his biography, read on over here.

Wait, while you’re reading, have a listen to some of his tracks:

Winter Wish


Portrait of Romantic!


Whistman’s Wood


Enjoy! 🙂


About this series:

One of the ideas I have for this blog is to start periodic post series about a few interesting topics. Like one post a week or a month, about the same topic but always bringing you new (or classic but little known) musical discoveries.
This series that I gave the name “The Alternative Music Lounge” is about presenting you bands and projects that I like a lot or respect much because of the quality of their music although they haven’t made it into the so called “main stream” and therefore probably will remain unknown for many people.
Whatever might be the reasons for this (sometimes their creations are just too good, too unique, lacking any “commercial characteristics”, othertimes it’s just another case of being disregarded by the music industry, we all know what’s usual to happen…), I think the’re more people out there who might like their music but just didn’t have a chance to discover it yet, so I hope these publications of mine might be helpful.
By the way, if you’re a musician and think I might like your music and would like to propose your creations for being featured in a post of this series, you’re welcome to comment this post or any other future post of this series, stating your project’s name, a link to where I can listen to some tracks and a way to contact you.
I promise to try and listen to everyone’s tracks and respond, even if I happen to not accept the proposal.



►Forever Love

On the 25th of October, after a long and a quite anxious wait on a very rainy day, at 19:45, my wife gave birth to our first son.

He was born perfectly healthy and beautiful, eyes wide open and crying on the first second, with 3205 g and 49.2 cm, we called him Pedro Jacinto and immediately fell in love with him.

Now it’s been one week that we left the Hospital and it has been a great adventure, absolutely fantastic, and everything is going well, despite all the little moments of tension / worries and lack of sleep.

I know this is not really adequate on here, but it is such a special and unique moment in your life, it simply has to be shared.

Becoming a father definitely changes you for the better and makes you more complete.

P.S.: I don’t publish a foto of him, because for several reasons I believe it is a bad idea, afterall you never know who is around on the internet…

P.S.2: the title of this post was borrowed from the name of a song by Bezegol, that I have known for some time and really like the lyrics, here they are:

Still remember like it was today,
On my nerves till the nurse came and say:
“your baby’s born everything is o.k.,
Momma’s good you will see them right away.”
Standing next to the door i wait,
Any second its a minute late,
And i wait, and i wait, always wait for you,
To give you my love, and my love is true.
Letting you know i’m always on your side,
No matter the loops that my life goes by.
You know sometimes don’t go like we planned,
But what i need is you to understand,
That dad is doing all the best he can,
So you may grow and be proud of him.
There’s no god in the sky’s above,
Coz for you i have forever love.

What may come in your life for you to conquer…
The quest is to remain stronger.
Watch your steps, don’t get mislead.
The everyday battles are the ones you make your own bed,
Son! i never wanna see you on the run.
From times we together please pay attention.
And listen to the story of my life,
I know its hard past but from me you know it right. aight!
Forever love, keeping our relation tight,
Life struggle. you can count on me on to fight.
Whenever you may need me son, you know that ll be there,
Whatever may be the problem son, you know that i don’t care.
More then a shinning star,your are the light that i see,
I want you to know that you are everything to me.
No mountain high enough, no god up above.
Sincerely yours your father, son.
Forever love.

►The Alternative Music Lounge: Chill Out special edition

It’s been a while that I have been thinking of doing a special edition dedicated to Chill Out music, after all, it’s one of the main objectives of this site / blog, to specialize on Chill Out music. So, here are several listening suggestions, from the classics to some less well known projects, I didn’t organize them in any particular order. I hope it gives you a starting point for further exploring the world of Chill Out.

[youtube IJWlBfo5Oj0 500 312]

Moby – Porcelain


[youtube BAVUPu7URbc 500 312]

Massive Attack – Teardrop


[youtube Jj6yXxVc21Y 500 312]

Zero7 – In the Waiting Line


[youtube abkIjdT0uTk 500 312]

Air – Universal Traveler


[youtube uglIBY7fO1Y 500 312]

Nightmares On Wax – Passion


[youtube 5Nq6V_bNS5Y 500 312]

Chris Coco – Starlight


[youtube o7gdC6XWIoU 500 312]

St. Germain – Rose Rouge


[youtube 2lCuBxgGzKA 500 312]

Mr Scruff – Music Takes Me Up  (Ft. Alice Russel)


[youtube mGxj3zCr0pg 500 312]

Triangle Sun – Buddha


[youtube m-uztVX6QFQ 500 312]

Groove Armada – At The River



About this series:

One of the ideas I have for this blog is to start periodic post series about a few interesting topics. Like one post a week or a month, about the same topic but always bringing you new (or classic but little known) musical discoveries.
This series that I gave the name “The Alternative Music Lounge” is about presenting you bands and projects that I like a lot or respect much because of the quality of their music although they haven’t made it into the so called “main stream” and therefore probably will remain unknown for many people.
Whatever might be the reasons for this (sometimes their creations are just too good, too unique, lacking any “commercial characteristics”, othertimes it’s just another case of being disregarded by the music industry, we all know what’s usual to happen…), I think the’re more people out there who might like their music but just didn’t have a chance to discover it yet, so I hope these publications of mine might be helpful.
By the way, if you’re a musician and think I might like your music and would like to propose your creations for being featured in a post of this series, you’re welcome to comment this post or any other future post of this series, stating your project’s name, a link to where I can listen to some tracks and a way to contact you.
I promise to try and listen to everyone’s tracks and respond, even if I happen to not accept the proposal.


►Google’s latest Doodle: Star Trek

Today is the 46th anniversary of Star Trek. Although I’ve always been a big fan of the Star Trek Universe, I didn’t know that, so it really was a surprise to open Google and see their latest Doodle about Star Trek. Which is funny and cute, actually. So, I couldn’t resist to take a screenshot and write a blog post, so that none of my readers should miss it :)…

Star Trek Google Doodle
Star Trek Google Doodle

As usual, the Doodle is interactive, so you can explore the scenary and actually “go on a mission” (including the famous transporter which beams the onto some weird planet far away with a strange creature on it that you have to defeat…)

Other elements of the picture make play some of the characteristic sounds from the original series.

For those not familiar with the Star Trek Universe, here are some links:







Now, go check out the Doodle live on Google’s startpage.





►Arcade Emulation or a quick time travel to 90’s video game world

I’ve always been a fan of those arcade games from the old days (you know, those big game consoles from mid-90’s you used to see in many bars where you’d insert a coin and play one of many games? I’ve spent quite a few great moments with these consoles when I was younger… Now they are beginning to get rare, unfortunately…).

So, I wanted to be able to play them on my computer, especially now that I have a new laptop and a nice Ubuntu 12.04 install already tweaked “al gusto”. I’d already done it once, some years ago, so I knew the basics about arcade emulation and even remembered the names of some programs. Then I updated my operating system, changed the pc, so I lost all of it. But in the world of technology, things progress very fast, so when I first started looking again, it wasn’t easy to find. It took a little research, especially because the first program I found (and works quite well) is not able to play one of my favourite games (normally each emulator has a list of compatible games – that often grows over time but almost never reaches the total of all games ever created for certain arcade platform). That’s why I wanted to share my findings, so I might make life a little easier for someone having the same interest.

First, a little about the arcade platform for which I was looking for emulation:

It is a ROM-cartridge based arcade board called NeoGeo and was made by japanese company SNK and was produced from 1990 until about 1996 when it was substituted by more modern products. Many popular games were released for this platform.Here’s the Wikipedia article.

NeoGeo Arcade Machine
NeoGeo Arcade Machine

The first program I found was gngeo (http://gngeo.berlios.de/), it is quite well known in the Linux emulation world and quite mature and easy to install (some distros even have it in their repositories, that’s how I installed it – along with the graphical frontend xgngeo which makes this emulator very nice and easy to use). I especially like the ease of installation and usage aswell as the graphical frontend. It also is light-weight and seems to work quite well (until now only tested with two games, though), supporting quite a few configurations without getting too complicated.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t run SuperPang, though. Not even the “normal” Pang. Tried to create rom driver files for it (without knowing much, obviously failed…). You don’t know Pang? It’s that great little game where you have to split some “colourful objects” (normally spheres) until they can’t be splitted anymore and disappear. When all objects have been splitted and disappeared, you go to the next level. But if you’re hit by one of them, you lose a life…

Super Pang (game flyer)
Super Pang (game flyer)


I continued my research and found (or “re-discovered”, because I had used it before but didn’t remember) MAME (http://mamedev.org/) and its “derivatives” or ports or whatever you want to call them. This program is a large project (at least regarding number of code lines) because the acronym stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. One of them is the NeoGeo platform.

The first port I installed (can be found in Ubuntu’s repositories) was the sdlmame port. It does work, and runs Super Pang. But it does NOT feature any of the scale improvement filters which I really, really wanted to have (and which gngeo does feature and I also remembered them from first time I explored the world of emulation). They come with names like hq2x, scale, hq3x, lq2x, etc., and they work by interpolating the image when scaled, thus improving quality (=less rasterization) like explained in this Wikipedia article.

This is very important for me, because most arcade games were made with very low resolutions and today’s screens have high resolutions, so the only choice would be to play a tiny windowed game or to scale with full rasterization (which looks awful).

So I thought: I have to find a emulator capable of playing SuperPang but also of rendering video with a high quality scale improvement filter.

After some research, and having discovered that the xmame port (which I had used some years ago) had died a slow death (and wasn’t mantained anymore), I stumbled on AdvanceMAME ( http://advancemame.sourceforge.net  – also not very active nor mantained, but still very available and quite mature).

This is a port optimized and changed so that it supports many, many video modes, even totally weird ones, designed to drive directly real arcade CRT monitors. Or anything you like. And it also has the hqx algorithms, aswell as many other filters, included by default. All this, obviously, makes the program quite complicated to configure. It’s not in any modern distro’s repositories, AFAIK. But fortunately, it is easily available and compiles without hassles and doesn’t need too much support libraries. So I managed to install it with success. But then I still had to figure out configuration. After reading through lots of documentation and searching the net, I found the necessary options (for the config file which is – at least on my system – located in .advance/advmame.rc in my home directory) and list them here, for your delight (:D) :

To get sound working, I had to use these options:

device_alsa_device dmix
device_sound sdl

Video options (I have a widescreen laptop):

device_video_output fullscreen
device_video sdl
display_aspectx 16
display_aspecty 9
display_expand 1.2
display_magnify 2
display_mode sdl_1366x768

And finally, for the hqx filter to work correctly, I have to use this:

display_resize integer
display_resizeeffect hq

Image format is a little bit distorted (the display_expand tries to correct this, but 1.2 isn’t the 100% correct value, although close), but quality is great, emulation works fine and quick and games are totally playable.

Success! 😀

Another great game I like to play, by the way, is Metal Slug. Here, you are the hero who has to progress in a virtual world full of unfriendly (though stupid) soldiers and their tanks, machines, buildings, planes, etc, all of them being the army of some crazy dictator inspired by Adolf Hitler and you have to kill them all – with obviously extremely powerful weapons and fantastic little funny details in the middle.

Metal Slug
Metal Slug (game flyer)

This is also the game I used for comparing the emulation of gngeo and mame. This is what I found:

Sound is much better in Advancemame.

Video performance is similar in both.

Image quality is also very similar, although gngeo seems to have a tiny bug: about 10% of the image on the left and right side is cut away.

Screenshots (made with digicam because I couldn’t take real screenshots):

Metal Slug (under AdvanceMAME)
Metal Slug (under AdvanceMAME)
Metal Slug (under gngeo)
Metal Slug (under gngeo)


Super Pang (AdvanceMAME)
Super Pang (AdvanceMAME)

(just a final notice: for those who don’t know arcade emulation, you might have been wondering how and in which form you get the games themselves. They come in so called “ROM-dumps”, normally in zip files, which is basically a dump read from the original ROM cartridges. They can be found on the internet, but due to their “slightly dubious” legal status (remember they are “copies” of original, paid and copyrighted products) I can’t give you any direct links. Try searching for neogeo roms in google.)